Citizens, Know Your Partisan Place And Obey!

Citizens know your place

We have seen an ever-growing trend in this country where citizens are, expected to take whatever DC is dishing out, and we are expected to love it. Well, not us!!! We understand the things we say, and the views we have may seem old fashioned to a lot of people. But maybe that’s just what this country needs today. If we’re honest, it was these old-fashioned ideas that built the greatest nation in the world.

They kept our nation strong and growing through every period of hard times that came along. We didn’t start sliding downhill until we decided things such as “civic pride” and “personal responsibility” were old fashioned and outdated. Well, how the heck is this new way of thinking working out for us?

Don’t get us wrong, trying new ideas, and looking for a better way to do things is the foundation this country was built upon. We must always strive to find better ways of doing everything. But we must also be willing to admit when something does not work. At that point, we must return to the old way, get back on our feet, and then try something else if doing so seems right to us. But to continue to dig the hole deeper and deeper, thinking we can shovel our way out of this hole, is an insane way of dealing with our problem.

Starting Handy Dandy Voter was not something we woke up one morning and decided to do. This was many years in the making. And to be honest, we drug our feet for a long time. You see, one of us is nothing but an old retired truck driver, and the other drives around the country with a rock-n-roll band in the back of his tour bus. We don’t come from money, we didn’t go to college, we’ve never saved the planet from a runaway asteroid… We’re just two old rednecks that have had enough.

citizens obey

Enough of being told what to think and how to act. Enough of being called racist and homophobic… Enough of being lied to by the people we pay to represent us. Enough of seeing our country being ripped apart by people who only want power and control. Enough of being told we are wrong for loving our country and for wanting to leave it better off than it was while we were here. Most of all, we have had enough of being told to know our place. To obey and walk a party line. To pay our taxes and keep our mouths shut.

Telling a couple of redneck truck drivers to “Obey your rules” is a lot like telling a house-fly to stay off of your sandwich. You better have one heck of a flyswatter.

So what is our Goal? It’s simple. Today all we hear is the talking points from partisan talking-heads. We are told that we must agree with one of the two points of view set before us. However, if we can pry ourselves free from partisan games, we might see that there is another way of looking at things. Why must we subscribe to a party’s approved list of beliefs? Why can’t someone believe in the second amendment AND support abortion? What party does that person fit into?

If you don’t fit into one of the two parties, who is representing you in government? Our goal is to ‘temporarily’ be the voice of Americans who are lost in a world of partisan hate and confusion. But notice we said, “Temporarily.” Our hope is that others will soon find their way out of the quagmire of today’s partisan group-think and find their own independent American voice.

know your place and obey

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