The Truth About Trump And The Squad

The Truth about Trump and The Squad

Trump and The Squad hit DC in 2016

The craziness we have been witnessing over the last three and a half years in Washington has had very little to do with the man in the White House. Congress has not lost their ever-loving minds simply because Trump won an election.

Oddly enough, if we stand back and look at something happening within the Democrat party, we can see why the two parties have gone off of the deep end. We know what DC thinks about Trump. But what has happened to the Squad over the last year or so?

Do you remember when the Squad hit DC? The cameras followed them everywhere. You could not turn on the TV without seeing Trump or one of the Squad members. Like Trump, the Squad was outsiders who did not belong in DC. They did not come out of the pool of pre-approved individuals. They had not earned the right to be rubbing elbows with the rulers of this country.

Nancy Pelosi knows the truth

The Truth Will always come out

Looking back at videos of Nancy Pelosi in 2017-2018, she looked like that overwhelmed mom in the store that has 4 or 5 kids that refuse to listen to a thing she says. The Squad was driving her crazy. But as long as the cameras were following them around, all Nancy could do, was smile and bide her time. The truth is, Mrs. P had had ENOUGH!!

Then, the cameras moved on to other things, and momma Nancy put the Squad in timeout. She sent them to their rooms and told them to think about what they had done. Remember, Trump and the Squad are outsiders, and they must be kept in their place until they can be removed. It must all be done in a way that kept us from learning the truth about how afraid everyone in DC really was.

The anger and the hate we see in DC today, from both parties, is not really about Trump and the Squad. Don’t forget, Trump used to be the belle of the ball in DC. Everyone loved him until the people picked him over one of their cronies. The girls in the Squad were everything the left had ever dreamed of, except they did not come up through the ranks. They had not been trained to stay in line and only repeat the talking points. DC despises us for putting these outsiders in the middle of their carefully crafted kingdom.

You can love them or hate them, but in 2016 Trump and the Squad revealed something about the American people that most of us thought we had lost. They came from outside of the establishment, and they reminded the voters that this is still our country. That we have a say in how it functions and who we select to run it.

The Squad

As we know, fear is a powerful force. For the last three years, we have seen what it looks like when those who believe they control us realize they are hanging on by a thread. But it’s okay. They have a plan. A plan that will ensure we never send another outsider into their world.

They will send us our ballots in the mail, and then they will let their lawyers go to work, making sure the right people are elected. It’s time to wake up friends. When was the last time DC did anything for YOUR good or benefit? What was the last thing our rulers passed that did not benefit themselves or their companions?

Mail-in ballots have nothing to do with making our lives better or safer. It is all about making sure we never try to send outsiders to DC again. It will never again come down to who got the most votes from the citizens. The only thing that will matter is who the lawyers can get put into office by manipulating the counting process.

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