The Socialist States Of America

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As a candidate and as the President, Donald Trump has made the statement that America will never be a Socialist country. A bigger lie has never been told by any man.

We are a Socialists country in the sense that our taxes all go into one big pot, and then they are redistributed to each State and each person according to their need.

Let’s have a show of hands. How many of you go to work every day and pray that someone uses the taxes taken out of your check to get a college degree in gender studies? How many of you have asked for extra hours at work because there are lazy people three states away that really depend on you to pay as much in taxes as you can?

If you didn’t raise your hand for those two questions, you really need to take part in our discussions.

At one time in this country, before we became Socialists, our tax dollars flowed in one direction. You went to work, and you paid taxes to your local community and to your State.
Each State owed a set amount of money each year to DC for funding the few and limited functions of the Federal Government.

The local taxes you paid went to fund your schools, cops, roads, local government, and so on. That’s why citizens use to have power and control over things such as their cops, school boards, and city councils. These people understood that their pay and the money they spent came directly out of your pocket, and heads would roll if they misused one penny of it.

The same was true with your State taxes. The people in State government were directly accountable to the citizens of the State because every penny they spent come straight from the citizen’s pocket.

The Federal Government also had to account to the citizens for what they did with the money they received. This system of accountability made being an American citizen the highest political office in the country. We were “The Government,” and the politicians were simply branches of the people. Hince, “The three BRANCHES of government.” If you’re just a branch, you have to be supported by the main body.

This system of government worked for 150 years. It turned 13 British controlled colonies into (at the time) 48 thriving, productive, and independent States. It was this system, of governing from the bottom up, that made the United States the most powerful nation on earth.

But in the 1930s, this 150-year-old system was destroyed by a Socialist program called the New Deal. Since the introduction of the New Deal, this country has fallen behind other countries in every measurable way.

Our families, communities, and States are falling apart. There is no such thing as civic pride or civic responsibility anymore. We all act like spoiled little kids, running around in circles, waving our hands in the air like we don’t have a care in the world. And why should we? We are no longer responsible for our own actions or decisions. All we have to do is obey our masters in DC, and they will provide for our every need, RIGHT?

In our next discussion, we are going to look at the New Deal and how it turned our country into the Socialist disaster that it is today.

Look, I can only speak for myself, but I don’t like the way MY country is being run by these idiots in power today. I don’t like it, and I intend to do something about it.

To fix it, we first have to know what it was before it was broken. Then we have to learn how it was broken. Then we have to decide the best way to fix it.

If you feel the same way, please join us in our discussions. Sign up for our notification list to receive an email whenever we post new content. We can not, and we will not depend on social media to keep you informed of our updates. Also, help us get the message out by sharing our website with your friends and family.

Until next time, keep your heads up and never be ashamed of being an American.

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