
While we are a political organization, our website will be as centrist as possible. In our personal view, we are mostly conservative. It is not our intention to sway anyone one way or the other. We only want people to have information to help them make informed decisions about their politics.

While we try to stay center of the issue, we also know that some social media platforms may feel we are violating their community standards. It is for that reason we ask you to provide your email for notifications. We have Facebook, Twitter, and other media accounts. However, we will not rely on them to notify you about updates. So that you can stay informed of all new posts, please provide an accurate email address to receive notifications. Because we don’t like junk mail, we promise not to fill your inbox.

You are our best option for growth. We depend on you to help spread the message. If you agree with what you are hearing, please consider sharing our URL (https://www.handydandyvoter.com) with your friends to help us grow and encourage them to stay informed on the issues. Get involved in your government! Comment on the post, like the podcast, so we know you want more of the content provided, and please share the topics you like in email or text message and on social media. The intention behind our website is to spark the conversation. Please don’t leave us hanging! Join the debate, and let’s talk it out!

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